
With this product, companies will be able to place real time information of their production's processes at the company's web page it's given in a easy and espectacular way, because this information is getting refresh with the wanted periodicity, without user having to intercede.

By means of DynaNET®, users connected to the web pages, will be able to have information constantly updated without having to refresh the page. Pages have dynamics graphics and dynamics texts as well as other utilities detailed below.

DynaNET® allows to automatize the informs and presentations making and distribution in a easy and effective manner. Likewise, it can replace others data presentation's applications.

Also the fact of functioning in a very extended environment, the web navigator, make that the period of users's training become the smallest.

The product is able to be used both for data publication inside of a company and publicate it over the internet.

The product has two parts:

1º The configuration tool:

  • It's a user's utilities whole for creating and configurating DynaNET® pages.
  • System's administrator uses it from his own navigator and allows him to edit and to incorporate dynamic data and representations to a web page (new or existing).
  • For a web page's creation, it's just necessary to use an easy drawing tool, that is very similar to other programs ones, for example, the drawing tool of PowerPoint®, and say which is the represented information's source.
  • Thus, for example, if user wants to represent monthly sales in a bar diagram, he just has to insert the wanted diagram in the web page and fill in its attributes about these sales.

2.- The display part: It takes care of the web pages' dynamic refreshing, in a automatic and transparent way bfor the user.


Some applications' examples:


Billing and orders numbers' publication of a national environment company's.

The numbers are obtained from corporate data base where the national order salesmen are bringing sales.

The publication is done over a Spain's map by bar graphics and assigned numbers to each geographic area

Production line monitoring of a package factory

Over a graphic that represents each production line, the next values are dynamically displayed:

-Line speed
-Produced units
-Stops time
-Alarms advertisement

Data are obtained by ModBUS communication with the control automaton of the line.

SCADA type application

In a national range company dedicated to the hydrocarbons products' storage, the volume, product and temperature of each tank are represented on a Spain's map.


Obtained data by a tailored communication done with the control and management system of the company.

Synptics' creation tool:

For the creation of synoptics there are a graphic tool that executes from the own navigator and permits to:

•Incorporate the synoptic in a new page or as a part of one already existing.
•Select the synoptic size in the page.
•Incorporate as wallpaper any image in standard formats.
•Select Animated Graphics Objects (OGAs) of the proportionate archive and place it in the wanted place of the synoptic.
•Configurate the OGAs linking them with the process and fixing their dynamic characteristics (colors, sizes, etc.).
The origin of data that feed to the Web page can be diverse, from database or file (for example as a spreadsheet) as an external device communicated with system.

Other part of the tool allows, depending on selected interface, the configuration of database that attach process' variables with dynamic representations in the page.

Graphic elements. Data types:

4 basics data types are handled in the system:

Logics: Stores logic type values, in other words, states "On/Off", "Start/Stop", "True/False", etc.
Numerics: Stores numeric values.
Texto: Stores alphanumeric values.
Series (temporals or numerics).

There are 2 types of graphic elements, these ones that are associated to single data and other ones that are associated to series.

Single data's OGAs:


Allows to select the initial size.
If it's associated to a logic value, is the filling color which is assigned to each possible logic states.
If it's associated to a analog variable, his size varies depending on the value of the variable.
Allows to associate simultaneously to both



Allows to select the initial size.
If it's associated to a logic value, is the filling color which is assigned to each possible logic states.
If it's associated to a analog variable, his size varies depending on the value of the variable. it's possible to associate a variable to each dimension.
Allows to associate simultaneously to both.



it's possible to select any image format (bmp, jpeg, gif, etc.).
If it's associated to a logic value , it's possible to associate a image for each state.
If it's associated to a analog value, it's possible to vary his size.
Allows to associate simultaneously to both.

Allows to select the circumference's size.
it's possible to associate several analogs values that forms each one of the tart's sectors.
For each sector, a color and a legend, can be assigned.


If it's associated to a logic value, it's possible to associate a text and a color for each states.
If it's associated to a numeric one, it's possible to select the number's representation format.
If it's associated to an alphanumeric one, it represents the contents of it.



Bar's graphics
Allows to select the bar's colors
Allows to select the separation between bars
Allows to select the bar's type

    Line's graphics:

Allows to select the graphic type.
Allows to select the color



Present both data in a list style

Standard interfaces:

To be related with real world there are some standard interfaces without the damage of the development of other newers ones.

It's possible to have several interfaces working simultaneously.

SQL interface:

  • Designed for the moment when the values' origin are a database that somehow, unknown for the product, it's being updated.
  • The administrator user, assisted by the application, configures the SQL sentence that feeds the real time database.
  • SQL sentences can be defined aas much as wanted.
  • In each sentence, user has to provide these data:
    • Execution's periodicity
    • ODBC data's source
    • Columns to select
    • Real Time database's variables to update
    • Tables that hold the columns
    • "Where" sentence.

For example:

Data's sourde: Dinámicos
Periodicity: 10
SELECT: volume, level, density, product, status
INTO: A001,A002,A003,T001,L001
FROM: tanks
WHERE: name = 'ETANOL1

ModBUS interface:

  • The data's source is a device that communicates by this protocol.
  • The user will fill in the table that links ModBUS addresses with the real time database's addresses.
  • Also will fill in another one that configures the ModBUS acquisition's cycles:


Addr. Slave Function Addr.Start Total Period  
1 1 0 10 5 Digitals' read
1 3 1000 30 5 Analogs' read


DB RealTime Type MB Addr.Start.MB Total
L001 C 0 10
A001 R 1000 30

OPC interface:

It's the natural interface of the real time.
The user defines, for each OPC server, the relationships between his items and real time database's variables as well as the periodicity:

OPC server Item DB Real time Period
OPCDataControl.OPCServer.1 Tank1.Volume A001 5
OPCDataControl.OPCServer.1 Tank1.Temperature A002 30
OPCDataControl.OPCServer.1 Tank1.Product T001 30


DDE interface:


  • For the communication with applications by this technique, the user will define the relationship between DDE items and real time database's variables as well as the periodicity.


Tailored interfaces:

  • Is possible to develop specific interfaces to satisfy the user requirements. It makes sense specialy in applications where is necessary to display external systems/devices data which ones has to be a communication.

See examples of DynaNet

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