
The Association's Management application is a database's client application that allows to manage members or integrators of an association or organization. Also automates the billing tasks, emission of receipts and diverses informs, print of id, payment draft and generation of bank change's files that speed up the association's billing process. All of that operating in local mode with database and application in the same PC, or in a net environment where database resides in a station and diverses users can operate with diverse application's instances in concurrence with the first one.

The main technologies used in the application's development are:

  • Visual Basic
  • ADO
  • Access Database

The system is compound of:


1º Members' management:


Allows to application's user to sign up or drop new members, edit or modify their facts (kind of member, bank accounts, personal facts, photos, digitized signature, attached documents, payment period, etc.), make searchs under introduced approach, emit id with photo, emit files, status reports, APLI tags, display or emit receipts, and update the payment of thems, among other things.

2º Security Infrastructure:

The itself's underlying security infrastructure can be configurated from the own application. There are a list of users with their profiles, so that is possible to configurate displays and even the functions inside each display, which a specific user or profile has access. By this way, intrusion into application and don't wanted operations could be avoided.



3º Configuration:

For covering the diverses existing options of the association is possible to configure inside the own application the possibles payments periods (and fractionate then the member subscription), payments' general concets and its subscription, users, profiles and general association's facts, possibles kinds of members (with their "cuotas de alta", of kind's change and periodics).

4º Billing:

From the application can be automatically billed payment's periods for all members, in addition to generate bank change's files according to standard CSB19 and emit summary letters to the own bank. Depending on the bank's acceptation or refuse of emitted entries in the file, the bill could be validated or not in the own application.

5º Reports:

From application could be emitted a series of configurable reports of conditions in order to obtain information's resumes of the system. Also could be massively emitted ids and APLI tags.


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