
This application allows to manage expedients or working orders. It's designed for:

  • Integral Reparation Companies.
  • Technical Assistances.
  • Insurances Companies.

The main functions are:

  • Collect and transact expedients or working orders.
  • Manage contacts with customer, professionals, appraiser, etc.
  • Computate appointments with customers, assured, etc.
  • Assign works to differents professionals, optimizing recourses and time.
  • Collect works done, materials, etc, employed in each expedient. Service's quality control.
  • Collect and payment's control of insurance companies.
  • Collect and payment's control to suppliers.
  • Collect and payment's control of customers or assureds.
  • Appraisings' control.
  • Budgets' control.


This application allows the automatic collection and tracking of expedients and working orders as it disposes necessary mechanisms for sending and getting information to other systems.

Inside the expedient's management, it allows a well-arranged assignation of works to the differents professionals or suppliers, allowing also to arrange appointments in a easy manner for the user. For that, the system heeds internally the schedule of all the professionals and at the same time, it's trying to reduce their displacements as much as possible.

In the moment of assigning works to the professionals, the system proposes the works that involves the less number of displacements, guaranteeing the customer's committed dates.

In every moment it's possible to have a general view of the status of all current services, being able to immediately detect delays and defaults.

The system has a whole of analysis tools that allows to detect situations as works pending of professional's assignment, dates pending of arrangement, works that should be informed, etc.

Finally we have a control of billing and payments to burials, to suppliers and also to customers that can be automatized. For example, if some burial is always billed with a determinated marge of an expedient's cost, the bill of this burial could be automatically computed in the system.

General Description:

The expedient's processing depends to a large degree on the each company's way of working. This application has been developed trying to adapt as much number of ways of working as it was possible. The beneath expedients treatment's description isn't the only one possible, it's possible to do by other ways.

The expedient's reception in the application can be automatic because it is interconnected with the remittent. But if it isn't interconnected, is possible to introduce expedients manually.

Once the system's operator has the expedient, he contact the customer for request more data about him and for arrange the first citation. During this first contact, in the expedient are introduced the first assignation or work to do, for example, it could be plumbing. Also it can be introduced the assignations that will follow to the first one, with the same example, it could be masonry and paint.


The system will heed these assignations that depends on previously ones. For arranging the rendezvous corresponding with the first assignation, the user will solicit possibles dates to the system. It only has to propound dates to the customer that see in the screen, until the customer finds one that agree with.

The system do all the necessary computation behind. It heeds the schedule of every professional as well as the arranged rendezvouses. Crossing both, possible dates are obteined. How ever, not all the dates are equaly favorables. The system can classify them responding to immediacy criterions, putting before the more closed, or classifying them with a view to reduce the professionals' displacement. That is specialy useful when performing expedients at far away zones or short population centers.

The user can concert the date without fixing previously the professional that will achieve the job, or fix the professional before of concert the date, because the customer has interest in one specific professional. For example because he has been in the customer's house before. In the first case, the system gets possible dates heeding all the professionals' schedules as well as pending assignations. In the second case, the system will take into account only the schedule of the chosen professional.

For some assignations it can't be necassary to concert a previous date. In these cases, the supplier will be the entrusted of concert a date with the customer. An example of this case is when a specific expedient is requested to as an integral repairment. The application also contemplates these cases. The appraiser's works are treated as one more assignation.

The system allows to attach budgets to the expedient. These expedients can be budgets issued by the company to the insurance entity or to the final customer. Likewise, they can be budgets received from suppliers for a specific assignation or appraiser for the complete expedient.

In addition to arrange dates, the operator should go requesting the assignations to the differents professionals or suppliers. There are several ways of request assignations to the differents professionals or suppliers:

  • Entrust of each assignment once previous get finalized.
  • Entrust of all assignment for next day.
  • For each assignment look for the best professional.
In the first case every time that a professional fininish an assignation, he call to inform about his last job, what he has done as well as the costs of it. Once he has informed, the system assign him the next assignation, for so, operator solicits system all the pending assignations that this professional can do. Between them there are those ones which the professional has assigned yet, but also those ones that the system don't have assigned yet.

The system allows to classify these assignations to guarantee the dates' accomplishment or to minimize the professional's displacement.

In the second case, when all the assignaments of the next day are requested, the system develops an itinerary with all the assignations of this day. As the previously case, this itinerary can be calculated giving priority to the dates' accomplishment or minimizing displacements.

In the second supposition, when is from an assignation where the system looks for the best professional, the system proposes all of the professionals that can accomplish this job.

These professionals, like in the previous cases, can be classified giving priority to the date's accomplishment, or minimizing displacement.

For a more exhaustive control of the assignations requested to each supplier or to each professional, it can be printed an inform, with fax format and with all of the pendings jobs. This inform has, which the receiver has to fill, a space enabled for the status of each job, being able to return, also via fax, the same inform accieved.

Every time that a supplier or a professional informs about a job, the user fills inside the application all the costs. These, in the case of an assured sinister, can be associated to the differents expedient's coverages.


All of the works done can be billed according to rates. The system allows as much rates as necessaries. These rates can be applied to the entity, to the suppliers and to the final customers.

Each supplier can have a whole of professionals. All of the jobs done by them should be billed by the corresponding supplier. Each supplier can supply one or more services. A service is a kind of activity, for example, plumbing, masonry, paint, etc at a geographic zone. The zones are defined by the postal codes.

As an example, for a plumbing assignation, the system will propose all these suppliers that provides a plumbing sevice in the postal code corresponding wtih the expedient.

Each professional works with a spedific calendar. This one includes the weekdays as well as the working schedule and the free days.

Incidences can be added to a professional. These ones can be, for example, a "baja". In this case the user will have to consult how remains dates arranged until the moment, with independence that corresponds to assignations already requested to this professional or without professional, for moving some ones and then resolv a possible noncompliance.

On the other hand an professional's incidence also can be a "guardia". In this case the system will count on him although it's out of his habitual job's calendar.

Automation Possibilities:

There are lots of processes that can be automatized. The expedients' entry is one of them. Another process, also commented, is the tracking. In the case of reparations' companies, the automatic fax sending or a direct connection to the insurances companies' systems to update information can be mechanized.

The billing, to entities, from the suppliers and to the final customer, can also be automaized with the adequates interfaces.

Finally, the communication with the supplier or with the professional, refering to the commissioning and the information about done works, can be done automatically by interfaces through the internet or through WAP.

Specific Requirements Adaptation:

This is not a closed product. Wico de Coprel is a software development's company, and therefore it has not only the capability of products' maintenance, it also has the capability of modification to adapt it exactly to each customer's requirements.

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