Dock Sud-Endesa. Client:ABB T&D

Dock Sud is a combined-cycle thermic plant placed near Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The proyect was the integration of the plant's control system into the production's control and electric energy's national distribution net. The supervision and control of this national net is done by satellite communication with each production's center.

The control system was initially from ABB, it was based on Advant's AC450 system. For the control system's integrating, we looked out for the same family controller, the AC410, in the net and use the same controller, the AC450, as interface. Technically, we used a gateway standard from ABB, the GCOM, then the signals were visible, over the whole control's net, through one system's component, in this case, a PC.

Already in the PC, small utlities were developed to, using DDE standard, integrate interesting signals, for national's net center of control, in a protocol manager and for him. Signals were for signaling and for order's receptions.

Company Activities
Wico on-line