Control and Data Acquisition System. Repsol /CLH.

To inform to the refinery staff about status of pumping and measures done at the CLH instalations, an application has been developed, this application is implemented in a computer located at the own plant, this computer is physically connected to the plant's system.

To develop it, the used technologies were:
  • Visual Basic 6.0
  • RDO
  • ADO
  • Pro-C
  • ModBus Protocol, Etc.

CLH factories have the machines (HP model, HP-UX operating system -HP´s Unix-) where the process get installed, this process will be the responsible of reading the database's information , in order to send it to the SCADA and know then what's happening in every moment, because all of the CLH operations are filed in the database (product pumping, product reception, etc).

With this application operators have access to:
  • Real time information about status and values of the differents CLH plant elements that are steping in reception.
    • Valves
    • Pumps
  • CLH database tables, that contains:
    • Accounting parts of each reception
    • K factors tables of each SOLARTRON
  • Last Meter-Prover's calibration

In the values correction gived by the turbine, a important value is the K-correction factor (pulses/liters) of the turbine for each product that flows through it.

This K factor is obteined from a table that, for each product, has the differents K factors to apply, depending on received flow.

For those K factor tables generating, at plant CLH owns a calibration equipment known as Meter Prover. Basically the functioning is make pumped product to go around him, and with a measurements series, it generates a "calibration report" where is, among other things, the K factor of the flow that has been measured.

If historic information is solicited:

Application sends data to the process that consults the database. Then, the process reply to the application with obteined data and then the inform is generated.

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