Reparation Management. "Caser Assistance", S.A.
This application gives a complete management for reparation works and home-reforms. The system is orientated to the insurance companies' management. The system provides:

- Opening and accepting or refusing expedients.
- Register contacts done with customers, professionals, etc.
- Registering and planning works to be held. In these works emergency, delay time, etc, are contemplated.
- Works assignment to the professionals.
- Suppliers register.
- Billing.
- Payments and charges control.


In addition to allow the process mechanization by minimizing administration work, the application most important property are the assignation´s algorithms. These assignation´s algorithms are computational mechanisms which allows to:

- Give to the customer a precise date for the professional visit.

- For each professional and in each moment, search for the more suitable work to be done. The criteria list is large:

-minimize displacement

-attending emergency first

-finish work not exceeding time limit

-and most important thing, guarantee the customer's committed date.


Finally, this application has the possibility of be interconnected with other existing applications. In "Caser assistance" subject, all the information flow is automatic. These flows consist of the expedient receipt, bill remittance and the following of the works progression.
This application has a centralized database architecture, moreover, that application contains the prosecutions that guarantee the trade rules. On the other hand the customer's application takes over all the handling of the user dialog.

The system is based on a Oracle database, while customer´s application has been developed using Java language.

For a correct information´s management, in side the customer's application, has been integrated reports done with Crystal Reports. That permits a powerfull report design.

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