Cargo Terminals Management Central System. Repsol Comercial.

The SCGC application allows differents entities (carriers, suppliers and manufacturers) that participates in a common logistic system, to have their own information (vehicles, customers, etc.), to make wishes, to get executed supplies, to control the stocks..., all over the Internet.

That allows the logistic system manager to guarantee the quality of the information that he's responsible of, releasing him from its maintenance.

Main technologies used in the development were:

  • XML
  • ORACLE database
  • ASP pages
  • SOAP
  • VBScript and JavaScript
  • DCOM+
  • ADO

The most important modules of the application are:

· Transportations:

Permits that the carriers, responsibles of carrying wares to the customers, support their vehicles information in the logistic system's database.

It's a necessary information to the storehouse manager (identifications, insurances, ITV(ministry of transport test certificate), etc) that should be known and validated by him to accomplish his work.

· Suppliers.

They are the stored products salesman. Their relationship with the system is done in three main aspects:

-Customers maintenance:

In due to each business special characteristics, the customers should be known and validated by the storehouse manager, because they should complete some legal requirements, which the manager is the responsible of. The supplier will keep his customers in the system, guaranteeing their data confidentiality, in opposite of other suppliers.

-Wishes transmission

-Supplies' reception executed.

· Operators.

They are the product's manufacturers. Their system's actvity is to authorize suppliers to retire specific amounts of products and to control the product's stock in each storehouse.

The system permits the on-line information's maintenance by accessibles displays from the navigator as well as by batch for big amounts of information, normally generated by other systems. In the last case B2B (XML, soap...) communication's technique are used.

The central system is communicated in real time with the control systems of the differents storehouses distributed over Spain, sending the wishes him and receiving the executed supplies in real time.

Company Activities
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