Fiscal Management for Finished-Product's Cargo Terminal. Repsol Comercial.


The application, developed for Repsol Commercial, allows to make, in real time, managements of all the fiscal documentation that exists in these business environments. It also allows to control, in real time too, all of the requirements that should perform the receivers for reception of those products.

The application's main characteristics are explained beneath, in a resumed way.

CAEs and NIFs on-line validation by AEAT(State Tax Administration Agency).

The objetive is to guarantee, before trailer leaves, that "document 500" (the emitting document) is perfectly valid in fiscally effects. By this way regular problems with AEAT are drastically reduced.

The control`s mode can be selected:

-the control can be done when receiving orders or

-during the cargo process.

For that it's used the new AEAT's system (service recently released by AEAT) to make on-line transactions, by sending to his server a test type document 500 (that is to say, it's not heeded for fiscal effects).

This document is compounded of receiver information, products and indent quantity. By this way the validation of the same information that in the real document (that will be emitted) can be guaranteed.

D500 print, invoices y ADR.

An independent module of the cargo system has been developed for the format and print of all documents that take part in the process (D500, commercial invoice and ADR).

It's physically compunded by one touch screen terminal and one laser printer.

The working method is:

  • The cargo system sends document data to the printing system.
  • The printing system formats those data, and in the terminal, the document in PDF format (exactly like it's going to be printed) is presented to the truck driver. This document includes trucker's digitized signature (each trucker`s signature has been previously digitized by the own system).
  • The trucker, seeing the document, should tell if he validates the document or not, by touching the touch screen.
  • In the normal case (the trucker validates), the system prints 5 document`s copies in the laser printer and then sends an acceptation's indication to the system for allowing the truck to go.
  • If the trucker not validates (or the system don`t has his digitized signature), the 5 copies are emitted (without the digitized signature) at the printer of the control room, where trucker should go to resolve the incident, and if all is correct, sign up manually the 5 copies

The advantages of this solution versus other solutions, where the printing process is totally governed by the cargo system, are:

  1. Independence between printing and cargo systems. It's known that fiscal and general documentation's requirements are more inconstant than physical requirements of cargo's automatism. The application has a easily using tool that formats and generates document.
  2. The using of preprinted and "autocopiativo" paper get eliminated and at the same time, it don`t make trucker to sign 5 copies. This characteristic has three advantages:

- An use of cheaper printers (laser).

- A reduction of paper's costs.

- Permits to the commercial invoices of each customer, the personalization (including the logo) of the documents, because the document's format is given by the laser printer in white paper.

D500/invoices data base.

The application has a database where all emitted documents are saved.

In this database is also filed a copy of PDF documents emitted in the leaving. The PDF format is universal accepted as a trustworthy copy of the emitted document (as well as it were scanned).

When the invoice's copy (signed by receiver) returns to cargo zone, this copy is scanned. The scanned document is filed in the documental management's data base to be consulted every time.

To consult invoices and D500 database the users can accede from their navigator (from a LAN net or the Internet) because it's a Web application. This solution has easy use and don't has distribution requirement for the users.


Available options are:

  • Documents' search and consultation (electronic register and scanned documentations).
  • Documents accomplishment:

    - The accomplishment's process starts with the reception of a receiver's signed copy.

    - During scanning process, subjects' status is automatically identified:

    • Customer's agreement
    • Quantity's disagreement
    • Destination's change
    • Devolution

    - This status is filed in system's database, then the user that is responsible of documentation's accomplishment only takes over the invoices with incidences.

    - In the Quantity's disagreement case, the responsible should complete the resolved amount by receiver, keeping it in the database for its afterwards information to AEAT.

    - In the Destination's change case, the responsible should complete the resolved amount by first receiver as well as resolved amount by second receiver. Equally it will be filed in database as previously and AEAT will be informed.

    - In the Devolution case, he should verify that the devolution has been physically received. The returned amounts will be filed for their information to AEAT.

    All the access to documents' database is controlled by security profiles, so an/a user only has information's access and assigned functions. Concretely suppliers who accede via the Internet only will have access to their invoices' information.


On-line sending of D500 and incidences(D509) to AEAT.

When an invoice is emitted, it's automatically sended to AEAT throught the Internet services that it has recently started.

The AEAT's response is equally processed. User-manager should consult this response to correct errors.

Likewise, the incidences resulting of the accomplishment and devolutions are also sent with the same mechanism to AEAT.

All of that eliminates the generation of monthly files necessity, and speeds up the errors' processing.

AEAT documentation.

Likewise, the application emits (when user want it) the rest of documents that "Agencia Tributaria" ("Taxs Agency") requests and aren't automated, for example, these ones:

  • 564 model
  • Monthly balance
  • 570 model
  • Document's relationship
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