Centralized Hotel Management through Voltor Sentinels, Engineering and Equipments.

By this system, one or more users can manage and display in real time, events and room's status of a hotel or a hotels chain, as well as enable or disable customers or employers to accede to room´s services. All this management is done from a centralized work place (consign).

The system has differents elements elavorated by diverses technologies:

  • Intelligents HW controllers linked to centralized work place by RS-485 communication.
  • Client application's Management and display of the room's status, in real time.
  • Events' reports.
  • Up to 1024 rooms.
  • Complete security substructure with differents system's access profiles.
  • Rooms' services access by chip cards.

The integral system of the "Centinel" for hotel management consists of a range of devices interrelated and commanded from a central workplace that permits to do a following of room's events, as well as a control of services that provides access in it.

The differents elements that take part in this system are:

  • A set of controllers or "Centinels" that are installed at each room and are communicated via RS-485 with the central work place of command or consign.
  • A PC reader placed at consign, where can be read and recorded cards that will use customer or hotel employers to accede to the rooms' services.
  • A set of chip cards' readers that, installed one by one with the controllers at each room, allows to accede to the diverses sevices that rooms offers (as air conditioning, TV access, room ilumination or any previously configurated dispositive), according to precises instructions sended from consign.
  • A communications' application that takes over the update of system's database and feeds controllers with instructions sended from central work place. It also lets to display the communications' status in every moment.
  • A client application that takes care of display, in real time, the rooms' status as well as management issues and rooms' control. From it, among other functions, can be released customers, application's users, rooms and employers, can be configurated permissions for application's access, can command controllers and can be configurated room's parameters, extract activity reports, read and record cards with wanted configuration, and in summary, all of the hotel´s management works.
The system security makes that client application's intrusions gets avoided by configurated access profile. Also is not possible the access of those users that don't have been previously authorizated. A customer that contracts a room can´t accede to any other room's services.

The system also provides the possibility of regulating temperature, according to a consign, and maximum and minimum temperatures, so that customer's well-being is always guaranteed.

All of that allows a greater flexibility when taking decisions and increases the reliability of obteined information.

Due to the simple system's scalability, is possible to configure up to 1024 rooms, also it can be applied not only in one hotel, but to a hotel chain, communicated between them with a local network.

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